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🙋 General

What does Qrowdify do?

Qrowdify lets you build interactive experiences and rewards quickly around any sort of content and augmenting them in right place and right time.

What does Qrowdify connect to?

Qrowdify can be connected to most of internet pages (Social media, domains, blogs, etc ..), as well as any location, affiliation (eg. city, university, etc.).

How long does it take to learn Qrowdify?

It generally takes a user around ten minutes to understand the concepts of Qrowdify, and another hour for it to feel natural.

Who is a user in Qrowdify?

A user is anyone with their own login access to Qrowdify. All users in your Qrowdify account are free and it always will be free.

Who is a partner or host in Qrowdify?

A partner or host is anyone with their own login access to Qrowdify to create experiences or rewards for other users. All partners in your Qrowdify account are billed at the plan rate per month. You can learn more about our pricing here:

Who uses Qrowdify? Engineers or non-technical people?

A regular users of Qrowdify users are non-technical. Whether you are a reqular user or partner there is no coding background required.

How does Qrowdify compare to social media?

If you're looking for a social media tool, Qrowdify is probably not for you. Social media is typically involves connecting you to others and help you share your data with your fans, like pictures in instagram, short videos in Tick-Tock, short news in Twitter, etc. If you're looking for creating contents and only using video, images or text, you should probably be using facebook, instagram, or other social media.

How does Qrowdify compare to other campaign manager or user data collecting platforms?

If you're looking for launching campaign or creating engagement by asking followers to like or comment or tag about specific topic, Qrowdify is probably not for you. If you're looking for asking fans to share data in social media with tag as posts or inside comment sections, like some picture contests in instagram and etc, you should probably be using social media built-in features or user data collection platforms. Some of these tools let you specify a prize for the campaign.

If you're looking to build tools that allow you to define complex experiences for particular fans, and allows fans to complete those experiences in pre-defiend intractions and create data in pre-defined structure into and from your pre-defined datasources, Qrowdify is probably for you. Typical tools built in Qrowdify today include user approval, user management, etc. These are tools you wouldn't be able to build or accomplish using built-in tools in your social media page or in majority of websites, because most of internet pages don't support ways for viewers or fans to create content in right format or they don't support ways to show content in right format for particular audinece.

How does Qrowdify compare to other advertisment or marketing tools?

If you're looking for a marketing tool to run a video advertisment in viral contents, Qrowdify is probably not for you. Current advertisments are typically involves showing a video, image or text about specific brand in middle of related content like "Youtube video" If you're looking for getting some clicks and only using a explainatary video, you should probably be using social media posts, TV ads, Google ads.

If you're looking to build tools that allow you to drill down into particular users, and allows you to define various intractive experiences for each user and let them write back content in right format so you can use the created content as Ads themself in right format and creating flyweel marketing effect, Qrowdify is probably for you. Typical tools built in Qrowdify today include approval process, user management, incentive management, content manager etc. These are tools you wouldn't be able to use in marketing tools.

Is Qrowdify secure? Where's my data stored?

We treat security seriously at Qrowdify, and have a section dedicated to it. If we don't answer your question there, let us know.

Which browsers and operating systems does Qrowdify support?

We continuously work to improve Qrowdify's browser support and accessibility. If you have specific concerns, please reach out through our customer support chat. Currently we offer this coverage:

Fully supported: latest versions of Chrome & Firefox on MacOS and Windows.

I have an infrequently asked question!

Great! We'd love to answer it. Send us an email, or chat with us in the bottom right corner. You can also post on our community forums!

🙋 Experiences

What do experiences do in Qrowdify?

Qrowdify lets you build or copy small intractive applications quickly around any sort of content and incentivize it with variaty of rewards. These small applications adding new functionality or value to the content or making the process easier or possible. For example, adding an expericne to a video let viewers to create subtitle collectively with other viewers.

What kind of experience do people build with Qrowdify?

Primarily, experiences for fans, like experiences for reviews, contest, operations, frequent flyers, sales, entertainment, tutorials, hands-ons, crowdsourced data, surveys, voting, etc. We've got a gallery of templates on our site with sample apps you can browse (inspired by real use cases!). You can also check out our community show and tell section to see what people are building in Qrowdify.

I have complicated logic in my experience. Will Qrowdify work for me?

If exsisting experience templates not helping, We build customized experiences for you no matter how complicated it is. For example, if you need an experience designed based on your menu (as restaurant) or educational experience on your slide (as teacher) we create the experience and you just copy it use it with your own content.

What can't you do with Qrowdify?

If you're building very customized module only and only useful for your website, you should probably build it from scratch and need to hire your own developer team. But you'd be surprised at the amount of stuff we can do for you in Qrowdify for free. We're hackers ourselves, and work hard on making Qrowdify scalable.

What if I want a component that Qrowdify doesn't yet have?

If you have a use case that isn't handled by Qrowdify's built-in components, you can build your own custom component to solve that use case or let us build it for you and add it to templates so you can use it in 10 business days.

🙋 Incentives

What do incentves do in Qrowdify?

Qrowdify lets you create rewards quickly around any sort of content. Also, adding rewards to the created experiences encourage users to engage in the contents. The rewards are claimed and delivered by Qrowdify.

What type of incentives?

Qrowdify offer different rewards (Postgres, MySQL, MS SQL, BigQuery, Redshift) and growing up fast.

Where can I find current rewards?

You can see most of public rewards in Qrowdify store.

Can I add my own reward?

Yes, you can list your reward to be awarded the way you want in our store.

What if incentives are not delivered?

Qrowdify take the full responsibility of delivering the rewards because the partners and hosts should secure the rewards before they publish the experiences.

🙋 Extension

What does Qrowdify do?

Qrowdify lets you build interactive experiences and rewards quickly around any sort of content and augmenting them in right place and right time.

🙋 Qrowdify & Blockchain

What does Qrowdify do?

Qrowdify lets you build interactive experiences and rewards quickly around any sort of content and augmenting them in right place and right time.

🙋 Qrowdify Account

What does Qrowdify do?

Qrowdify lets you build interactive experiences and rewards quickly around any sort of content and augmenting them in right place and right time.

🙋 Qoints & Concepts

"🙋 What is Qoint?"

  • Qoint represent Quality in Qrowdify, You can use Qoints to unlock most of Qrowdify features or redeem them for prizes, products or services or directly sponsor a giveaway act and have a great impact in the world.
  • Qoint can be collected in unexpected ways and unexpected quests.

"🙋 How can I earn Qoints?"

In summary, particioating in challenges, plays, brainstormings and many other unexpected methods can earn you Qoints. There are many ways to collect Qoints in Qrowdify, to name some:

  • Completing weekly challenges and quests and collect the task Qoints
  • Win upto 6500 Qoints on gameboard. Plays are placed in different part of the Qrowdify and emails you receive regularly from Qrowdify.
  • Inviting other users for dual require Qoints, You can use your Qoints to secure a Dual and double task Qoints earning.
  • You may collect Qoints by brainstroming and voting.
  • Collect Moderation Qoints if you selected as a Judge.
  • Collect Mentorship Qoints if you selected as a Mentor.
  • A Level 2 account can receive upto 100 Qoints per mounth from other users. Each user start with level 1 account. The higher level account can increase this limit.

"🙋 Can I also buy Qoints?"

Yes, you can buy qoints using your stripe or paypal account for 1$ per Qoint. But we designed the system such a way that earning them is cheaper than buying them.

Qoint TopUp URL

  • You are able to get Qoint by TopUp Qoint.
  • You can only buy complete unit of Qoint and not a fraction of it. It means you won't be able to buy 1.25. However you can spend Non-Complete unit of Qoint (i.e 0.2 Qoints)
  • Each Qoint is 1$ USD without federal Tax. Additional Tax and stripe/paypal fee may apply on your total purchases.
  • If you use Stripe for monetary transactions, you should pay 30 Cent for each transaction. ( 30 cent is for any amount of transaction no matter how much the transaction amount is). Stripe fee also include 2.9% of each transaction.
    To reduce the extera stripe fee please do not buy less than 10 Qoint per transaction.Check this link for more information Stripe pricing
  • You can buy QGift with money. You can send QGift card as gift to other Qrowdifiers. There is no limit in buying gift card for other users using money.

"🙋 What can I do with my Qoints?"

Redeem them for prizes, products or services or sponsor a direct giveaway act. You can request your desire prize to be added to the vitrine.

  • Redeem Qoints with any item in prize vitrine. Qrowdify continuously add new prize every week. In fact you can request your desire prize to be added to the vitrine, New prizes are selected based on exsiting user's request
  • level 3 and above accounts can cash out their Qoints in dedicated price, Level 1 and 2 accounts can only redeem their Qoints for items available in Qrowdify Prize vitrines.
  • You can use your Qoints to topUp other member's projects to help those projects.
  • A basic user account can transfer upto 10 Qoints per month to other accounts. The higher level the user the higher amount of Qoints per month to transfer each mounth.
  • You are able to buy QGift with your available Qoints. The same monthly transfer limit apply to buying QGift with Qoints.

"🙋 Can I cash out my Qoints for money ?"

Only level 3 and above accounts can cash out their Qoints in dedicated price, Level 1 and 2 accounts can only redeem their Qoints for items available in Qrowdify Prize vitrines.

  • A basic Qrowdify account (level 1) and level 2 acounts can not cash out the Qoint in any given price but they can use their Qoints in all other ways mentioned above.
  • Only level 3 and above accounts can cash out their Qoints in dedicated price, the price is vary based on user level and time of exchange request.

"🙋 What is Secured Qoint ?"

Securing Qoint means Quester's Qoint is reserved for participants until they get their task done with the best Quality. * Secured Qoint is total amount of Qoint which Questors have funded for their project and can not be cashed out from system by exchanging Qoints. But you are able to use or exchange your Non-secured Qoint.
* Just before publishing Questors (project creators) are required to secure Qoint based on task base price.(Minimum amount) * Minimum secured budget is the minimum amount of budget you need in order to keep a project active with specified price for applicants to apply. Secured budget may increase if you decide to assign part of your task to someone with a price more than your initial base price.
* Just before task assignment to Qontributor(participants in doing projects/tasks) we make sure the Quester has secured enough money to pay you.
* Just after task approval The amount from Secured budget will be transfered to Qontribiutor's account.
* The project can not be cancelled, therefore an already secured budget for the project can not be Un-secured afterward. If you are a Questor and you have assigned the task to even one person, the amount from secured budget will transfer to Qontributors' accounts.

"How can I monitor my Qoint transactions and how can I report a problem?"

Right in front of each transaction in Qoint transaction page, you can access and report possible problems with your transaction.

Qoint transaction URL

  • You have on-demand easy access to your transactions using Qoint transaction. You have quick link for report fraud or wrong transactions. we will take care of your request within 3 business days. We will correct it if it's wrong.

"What is Qoint Refund policy ?"

  • You will get full-refund of the TopUP amount if it is before 10 days after the TopUp has been done.
  • You won't be able to refund your money even before 10 days if you have a task which is published. (It means you won't be able to get the secured Qoints)
  • Most of times you won't be refunded the already paid Qoints from approved participants.

"Is there Qoint alternatives in the platform?"

  • YES, teams and communities in Qrowdify can offer alternative Qoints after became partners.